Thursday , May 2 2024

Sick of Stress? Tips to tackle it effectively to avoid serious problems

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School work, daily chores, dating dramas, fight with friends and more. There are so many things in this world that can stress you out! It can come from the events in your life, from other people or even from yourself. 

Different people are stressed by different things.

You might get very stressed about a test but your friend might be fine. There are no right or wrong things to stress over. Sometimes even the fun things can cause you to stress out. Things like starring in a school play or starting to date someone. 

You can do a lot of things to cope up with stress. Click through the slides below for more info

Put your body in motion
This is a great way to beat stress. Whether you play some sports or you may prefer to walk, whatever you choose, get up, get out and get moving. It can clear your head & lift your spirits. Physical activity produces endorphins, which are naturally "feel-good" chemicals in the body.
Laugh out Loud
Laughter is the best medicine. I am sure everyone must have heard that. Lots of laughing helps your body to make endorphins which are "feel-good" chemicals. Beat the stress with a funny movie, cartoons or jokes. Find something funny to do which may be we think are pretty silly or stupid at times.
Have fun with friends
Be with the people you like. It will help you to ditch the stress. Go out, watch a movie, listen to music or just hang out and talk. Friends can help you see and remember the brighter side of the life.
Take time to Chill
Pick a comfy spot and relax. Read, daydream or take a nap. Listen to your favorite music, do some craft whatever you feel like. Taking time to relax after a hectic day can make a big difference.
Talk to someone you trust
Don't keep your feelings bottled up, instead talk to someone you trust. It could be your parents, friends, siblings, teacher or friend's parent. They may have different perspective and may have some great advice as well. Remember, you don't have to handle the stress alone.
Lend a helping Hand
Helping someone can make you feel strong and capable. It will help you to boost up your morale. Also, you will see that everyone face some kind of challenge at some point. You can help in some simple ways like older neighbor with packages, join volunteer groups or even a school program.
Learn ways to better deal with anger
Sometimes, it is normal to feel angry. As a teen, sometimes the hormonal changes can cause the anger without even a good reason. The point is dealing with it in healthy way. Try to cool down with some deep breaths. Think about what caused this anger and what is the solution.
Get organized
You may feel forgetful or overwhelmed sometimes. Being unprepared for something or anything else can make a very stressful day. Have a plan and getting organized can really help. Manage your time well and get it together.
Keep a journal
If you have a hard day, write about whats going on and how you feel. It will help you to get the things off your chest. May be write a plan to handle problems and responsibilities.
Catch some Sleep
Stress affects your sleep which in turn can make you cranky or fuzzy headed. It messes up your school life as well as your friendships. This can add up to even more stress! You should aim for at least 8 hours of sleep each night
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But stress is not always all bad. A little bit of stress can help you during the competitions and might push you to perform better.

But a lot of stress that lasts a long time will hurt you. It can not only cause the emotional health issues but can also affect your physical health. Take steps to handle it. Turn to a parent or an adult whom you trust for some advice and support. Never try to lower your stress with wrong and unhealthy ways like taking drugs, drinking, cutting back on your sleep or eating a lot. 

Always treat yourself with the respect that you deserve. 

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